Obamanation Day 16
Dictionary.com's Word of the Day...
Unwitting - Not knowing; unaware; unintentional
He did that unwittingly. I think such a term would be something that could be attached to former President Bush. I think he did and accomplished a lot of things unwittingly. What I don't understand is how people who state he's stupid think he is the Lone Ranger when it comes to the bad decisions and when it comes to the good ones that he had help. It's some form of retarded ignorance that is only justifiable via hate and dislike and that type of stuff rots the heart. They not only did that wittingly they did it for the pure reason of destroying someone's reputation.
I get blaming someone for something that they did. I don't get being mad because someone isn't saying sorry for something they did not do. Even if Bush said sorry it wouldn't matter because people who are pissed want to be pissed and wouldn't alter their thinking if he died. They'd still talk ill of him. When one cannot find justice or give justice it's because they have a black heart and there's something seriously wrong with them.
On this day in 1918...
Separation of Church & State begins in USSR.
This is something that tends to create more trouble than it's actually worth. And gives an ego boost to those that already had a huge ego to begin with. It's a stupid law that no one follows and those that are obsessive and hateful nit pick even when it's followed to the tee.
The Five Quotes of the day...
Only a mediocre person is always at his best. - W. Somerset Maugham
If you are always at your best you're not growing as a person. It's a clever play on what parents tell their children: Be on your best behavior. No one wants to be boring, but there are those that just are and I'm sure all of us know those people. Being interesting is available for anyone and more so for those that take the chance to listen to other people when they speak. Always dominating the conversation will make you start sounding boring. Listening can cause one to be more interesting because of the interest they are showing.
Mediocre minds are always jealous and inclined to surround themselves with persons of little ability. - Henri De Jomini
This reminds of of Corinne from this past Survivor. She was angry and jealous. There was no doubt that she was jealous. She had to surround her self with persons who she confided to little ability. She stifles people and does not allow them to be who they are. She mocks others and expects those that are listening to agree and think the same thing. This is horrible and ruins that greatness of people like Charlie. Corinne is the social devil that is corrosive (notice how her name share some letters with that word) to anyone that comes near her or thinks her worthy of being a friend. Because if you ever disagree with her she will treat you as she mocks others and if that's okay with you then you need to get your head checked.
Soft is stronger than hard, water than rock, love than violence. - Hermann Hesse
It is true that people who are soft in their approach are stronger than those that have a hard out look on life. Those that are "hard" tend to be more sensitive. This would be proved by Corinne. She was a 'hard' person and she was very sensitive to what was going on more so than her suggestion of Sugar being that way. Water tends to wear away at rocks more than rocks against water. It might take time, but it is possible to wear 'em down. Violence doesn't change much opinions that the opposition have. Love, on the other hand, has the power to turn the most dangerous person into putty. It might take a while, but it is possible and it can happen and it has.
Orthodoxy: A corps that does not know it is dead. - Elbert Hubbard
More like a robot that goes through the motions pretending they do so through their own free will more than because they allow a group to have controlling interest in their doings. This would be like pot followers. They do so more for the greater cause of the group than because it's actually something they believe and it's kind of sad. Most of these people are smart to have a single thought that is their own. But for some reason when they smoke they turn into the collective mind like the Borg and go about trying to assimilate others.
It's scary.
Pacifism means letting the non-pacifists have control. - Oswald Spengler
It is true that if you don't engage you allow others to control. The only issue here is if that bothers you or not? Some people see the future in a different way than others. If they have some form of hope then being a pacifist, instead of engaging, might be how they believe they'll make it to such a hope. This is much better than apathy, because the pacifist actually cares that there's a problem they just don't think violence is the answer.
I like this quote mainly because it's so like the sun is hot. It's apparent. It's simple. That makes it funny and oddly profound.
Random Corner....Thought...Whatever...
I was thinking of this story that I want to write. It's going to be like a webisode but for writing. It think it could actually be a really witty show if it were made. I have to work out the logistics of it all, but I really think I got something. This is just like that something I thought I had with "Fleece as Black as Coal" and I still believe that, but nothing has come of it so far. I still have faith in that story. It's one my favorites I've written. It has so much hidden meaning that if someone were to actually pick up on everything that I had laced the story with, they'd tire their brain out.
The world viewed through the eyes of a dork. It may be different but I hope in different that means it was humorous without a doubt.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Virtuoso Revolt Wisdom of the Highest Believed Experienced Ignorance at the Oscars
This one is for Wednesday February 4, 2009. I liked it and failed to do it because I was super busy. But now I have time.
I have been counting the days of Obama has been in office. It most likely doesn't match the national number, but I don't care. The 20th can't count for all he did was party. So yesterday was day 15 in Obamanation.
Dictionary.com's Word of the Day...
Virtuoso - A person skilled in techniques of an art.
My best friend is a virtuoso when it comes to drawing. My other friend is a virtuoso in memory and singing. I am a virtuoso in writing. However, for me stating that isn't about being better than anyone, more like being able to handle it and do it well.
I do know people that think they are a virtuoso in psychology just because they take a class in it. I dislike people who think that just because they took a class they are smarter in that subject than anyone else who speaks on it who has not taken the class. Especially psychology students. They are virtuosos in ego and lack of humility as well as obnoxious; if any of those are considered art. You know how stupid some art fields are with the idea of subjectivity.
I would like to use a psychology book to hit those psychology students in the head so hard that it would cause bruising and then they can be a know it all in bruises and how they form.
On this day in 1899...
...Revolt against US occupation of Philippines.
Nothing like repeating your own dark history with someone else. It's beyond smart.
The Five Quotes of the Day...
Wisdom knows the proper limits of things. - Seneca the Younger
Limits are what humans have. ALL humans are set up with limits to what they can and cannot do. Some people try really hard not to show their weaknesses because that would be showing what? That they are human. What are they trying to be by not mentioning their faults? Perfect? Is there such a thing as a perfect human?
Also limits in what you know about certain topics. What topics are you limited it; be it because you don't know enough or that you are sure it's false? It's good to know and act accordingly. It's good not to pretend to know something when you do not. It's foolish to do so not smart.
Once you know the limits then you can figure out how you're going to work them in your favor to expound your prowess.
The highest duty and the highest proof of wisdom - that deed and word should be in accord. - Seneca the Younger
Let what you state be how you live. People take those that live according to their words more trustworthy and honest than those that live by the "do as I say not as I do" approach. It doesn't matter if you are a mean person who states what is on their mind as long as what you do and say are how you live. People accept that when the two are aligned. If the two are off and not close to one another then those that are your friends or those that you work with will find dealing with you obnoxious. That's not a goal for anyone.
It's a difficult task to keep even throughout life, but it's needed to gain friends and to keep them.
Many men would arrive at wisdom had they not believed themselves to have arrived there already. - Seneca the Younger
You can't think that you are wise and still learn. You can, however, think that you are acquiring wisdom by what you hear, see and experience. Declaring yourself wise will only make it difficult to learn along the way. Because you can learn from anyone no matter their age. A 50 year old can learn from a 2 year old. A 12 year old can learn from a 35 year old. A 16 year old can learn from an 11 year old. A 20 year old can learn from a 15 year old. A 22 year old can learn from a 65 year old. Learning has no barrier. There's no limit to who can teach and who can learn. The only time there is - is when it's placed there by yourself.
We are wise by other people's experience. - Samuel Richardson
There are certain people that think that the only way they can become wise is through their own experience not through other's. I think that we gain wisdom not only from other people's experiences but movies or radio or books can enlighten us on what could become a problem if this is chosen or that or what to expect if we decide to go through and do something. Someone might have done one of the choices we have to decide and their story will give us insight on how that worked out for them. Yes it is true that it may not work out the same for us as it did for them, however, it will give us a general idea of what to expect should we choose that line of action.
To be conscious of one's ignorance is the beginning of wisdom. - N. Sri Ram
Knowing what we do not know is a good way of knowing what we need to pay closer attention to so we understand it better.No one on this planet knows everything and everyone is surely ignorant of something. But we get to decide what we want to learn. We should keep an open mind on learning. We should not keep too much of an open mind where we become gullible or easily bamboozled by other people's wayward thinking.
Random thought of the day...
I am going to get a big tax return back and that's exciting. I was thinking of what it was I was going to do with that money. I suppose saving it would be a good idea. I do need new jeans and such. I am going to get those. This is a boring random thought.
That's because I didn't have time to do this...so this is a filler random thought. Apparently filling in a random thought makes it boring. That sucks. I hate fillers. Ooh I always thought that it would be cool to be the person that sat in the empty seat that a star left like at the Oscars, just to make the audience always seem full. But it would just suck to have to move when they return from having sex in the bathroom.
I wonder how many stars had sex at the Oscars...would that be considered thrilling? I think so.
/random thought.
I have been counting the days of Obama has been in office. It most likely doesn't match the national number, but I don't care. The 20th can't count for all he did was party. So yesterday was day 15 in Obamanation.
Dictionary.com's Word of the Day...
Virtuoso - A person skilled in techniques of an art.
My best friend is a virtuoso when it comes to drawing. My other friend is a virtuoso in memory and singing. I am a virtuoso in writing. However, for me stating that isn't about being better than anyone, more like being able to handle it and do it well.
I do know people that think they are a virtuoso in psychology just because they take a class in it. I dislike people who think that just because they took a class they are smarter in that subject than anyone else who speaks on it who has not taken the class. Especially psychology students. They are virtuosos in ego and lack of humility as well as obnoxious; if any of those are considered art. You know how stupid some art fields are with the idea of subjectivity.
I would like to use a psychology book to hit those psychology students in the head so hard that it would cause bruising and then they can be a know it all in bruises and how they form.
On this day in 1899...
...Revolt against US occupation of Philippines.
Nothing like repeating your own dark history with someone else. It's beyond smart.
The Five Quotes of the Day...
Wisdom knows the proper limits of things. - Seneca the Younger
Limits are what humans have. ALL humans are set up with limits to what they can and cannot do. Some people try really hard not to show their weaknesses because that would be showing what? That they are human. What are they trying to be by not mentioning their faults? Perfect? Is there such a thing as a perfect human?
Also limits in what you know about certain topics. What topics are you limited it; be it because you don't know enough or that you are sure it's false? It's good to know and act accordingly. It's good not to pretend to know something when you do not. It's foolish to do so not smart.
Once you know the limits then you can figure out how you're going to work them in your favor to expound your prowess.
The highest duty and the highest proof of wisdom - that deed and word should be in accord. - Seneca the Younger
Let what you state be how you live. People take those that live according to their words more trustworthy and honest than those that live by the "do as I say not as I do" approach. It doesn't matter if you are a mean person who states what is on their mind as long as what you do and say are how you live. People accept that when the two are aligned. If the two are off and not close to one another then those that are your friends or those that you work with will find dealing with you obnoxious. That's not a goal for anyone.
It's a difficult task to keep even throughout life, but it's needed to gain friends and to keep them.
Many men would arrive at wisdom had they not believed themselves to have arrived there already. - Seneca the Younger
You can't think that you are wise and still learn. You can, however, think that you are acquiring wisdom by what you hear, see and experience. Declaring yourself wise will only make it difficult to learn along the way. Because you can learn from anyone no matter their age. A 50 year old can learn from a 2 year old. A 12 year old can learn from a 35 year old. A 16 year old can learn from an 11 year old. A 20 year old can learn from a 15 year old. A 22 year old can learn from a 65 year old. Learning has no barrier. There's no limit to who can teach and who can learn. The only time there is - is when it's placed there by yourself.
We are wise by other people's experience. - Samuel Richardson
There are certain people that think that the only way they can become wise is through their own experience not through other's. I think that we gain wisdom not only from other people's experiences but movies or radio or books can enlighten us on what could become a problem if this is chosen or that or what to expect if we decide to go through and do something. Someone might have done one of the choices we have to decide and their story will give us insight on how that worked out for them. Yes it is true that it may not work out the same for us as it did for them, however, it will give us a general idea of what to expect should we choose that line of action.
To be conscious of one's ignorance is the beginning of wisdom. - N. Sri Ram
Knowing what we do not know is a good way of knowing what we need to pay closer attention to so we understand it better.No one on this planet knows everything and everyone is surely ignorant of something. But we get to decide what we want to learn. We should keep an open mind on learning. We should not keep too much of an open mind where we become gullible or easily bamboozled by other people's wayward thinking.
Random thought of the day...
I am going to get a big tax return back and that's exciting. I was thinking of what it was I was going to do with that money. I suppose saving it would be a good idea. I do need new jeans and such. I am going to get those. This is a boring random thought.
That's because I didn't have time to do this...so this is a filler random thought. Apparently filling in a random thought makes it boring. That sucks. I hate fillers. Ooh I always thought that it would be cool to be the person that sat in the empty seat that a star left like at the Oscars, just to make the audience always seem full. But it would just suck to have to move when they return from having sex in the bathroom.
I wonder how many stars had sex at the Oscars...would that be considered thrilling? I think so.
/random thought.
N. Sri Ram,
Samuel Richardson,
Seneca the Younger,
tax return,
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