So it has been a while since I have posted on this great blog. I’ve not really had any grand moments to share except for this one:
I pride myself on being a very good friend. Unlike most people I can ignore the wrong that has been done and move on with the friendship. The things is one can only be wronged so many times. And that is where my story begins with wrong after wrong after wrong.
Let me use real names because I don’t care any more. I use to care. I use to care that these two were human and disserved consideration as such but I’ve learned that it might look human but that doesn’t mean it is human. A human would have compassion and love for someone that they’ve been friends with for well over 7 years. That is what a human would do.
If I were to mark down the hurtful and wrong things this person did I would lose count. But because we were friends I could get over it knowing that she didn’t mean to do it. That is no longer the case. She is no longer a child and therefore would have to be held accountable for her deceit of forgiveness.
I did state I would use their real names, and that I shall. First is Sarah. But because she is no longer worth being nice to, I will call her Whore. Why whore? Well whore is just another form of idiot just a little more severe. Should anyone be offended by such a word I would like to state that I didn’t invite you to read now did I? And if I did and you are offended you really don’t know me very well. I will only be using Whore when Sarah, who is Whore by the way, makes a stupid mistake. Now you may see the name Whore a lot and I could only hope you would put two and two together and get the fact that she is.
Sarah and I met in High School when we were sophomores. We had fun through High School. We had our inside jokes, we had our buddies, and we had our fun. She had just gotten out of a relationship with Steven who happened to be an idiot to the nth degree. He wasn’t too nice. Therefore when I showed interest she would become a Whore and drag me in and push me away for the next seven years.
When they state that love is blind they were not kidding. Had anyone seen Sarah during this time they would have thought she swallowed herself. But I was truly in love. I was not caring that she was putting on weight or that her face was as round as a dinner plate because love doesn’t see such deformities. No love allows one to make a fool of oneself because there would be no other reason I would fall for a Whore like her.
On and off again. Cold and hot, that is how it was for the longest time. Though Sarah would claim, like a Whore, that she wanted something out of our relationship and not only would she claim that she would also claim I, a the time, did not. She tried to blame me like a Whore. Never did she apologize for the way she treated me and there is no doubt in my mind she knew exactly what she was doing and had done.
November 2002 I send a letter stating that I liked her. See how horrid love can be? I would do this in hopes that she would have a change of heart from Whore to good person. No such luck was with me all seven years. It is important to note that she claimed to be my best friend during this time. She said we were and I thought we were. I never really questioned it until I received the letter back stating she met someone. That information is important in a best friend setting. Important because best friends tell each other about such things via the phone or in person, they do not act like a Whore and send it through snail mail. Sarah is a Whore because that is what she did. She took what I thought was a special relationship and kicked in the guts and allowed to writher and die because she was human enough to give a care.
At the time I thought how weird that was but I really didn’t give it that much thought. I did, however, want to meet this “Shawn” or like I will be calling him “Idiot to the Nth Degree.” So me and some friends head to that side of town to eat with Sarah and meet Shawn. It really was a surprise type thing, she had no idea we were coming. We did get to meet Shawn and in that brief time I did think of him as an Idiot to the Nth Degree. And as I would learn I was not far from the truth. I was actually a little too nice with what I thought of him.
Meeting him once was not enough to me, even though my thoughts on him were almost dead on from the start, so I made sure to spend more time with him again and again. Each time was no different then the last. He, being and Idiot to the Nth Degree, would flirt with other girls right in front of Sarah. He enjoyed poking them in the sides and making them jump. His clothes would have holes in them. Every time I saw him it was almost a game to count up the amount of holes in his clothes and the weird thing was that each time I would come up with another number. <>
I really thought this relationship was a joke. No sooner do I really start believing that do I receive an e-mail stating that the Idiot to the Nth Degree proposed to the Whore and the Whore said yes. She got a ring and decided, I don’t know how, that it would be a wise move to e-mail everyone this grand news. As a best friend, I know how stupid of me to even think that was still true; I thought this was a poor decision on her part. We were supposed to go out to eat at Red Robin that night. So I called her to make sure we were still on for that night. When I called her she didn’t even ask if I got her e-mail or tell me her supposedly “great news”. I would think that if it was such a fantastic event that she would want to tell everyone. Since she didn’t want to tell me flat out what occurred I decided to ignore the fact that I read the e-mail and go to dinner and ignore any sign of a ring until she told me.
All dinner long she didn’t ask me if I got the e-mail and she didn’t make mention of their engagement. Neither did the Idiot to the Nth Degree. It was no surprise that they wouldn’t talk about. But that doesn’t mean I was not hurt that my best friend would refuse to share that information on a more personal note instead of through e-mail.
It was down hill from there. None of her friends or her family thought this was a wise idea. 0. No one would tell her. I was not going to allow my friend to make such a mistake without thinking about it.
They already decided to have their wedding on October 31, 2003. Why, because they are Whore and Idiot to the Nth Degree who both refuse to think of anyone outside themselves. This nice Halloween date was on a Friday. I told her no one would be willing to go on a Friday. She instead that there were people that would.
I saw that I was going to be the only friend that would tell her straight up not to marry him or at least wait a while instead of rushing into it. She had not even known him for a year and she already thinks she wants to spend the rest of her life with him. I told her that he has disgusting clothes. He never looks clean and he has no reason to look the way he looks. He had a very unkempt house with dirt on the carpet and clothes every where and it stunk. He flirts with other girls in front of her. He never had anything clean to talk about and thought he was ALWAYS right.
She ends up telling me about how Shawn was abused when he was younger. That’s great, really it is. I mean here is a guy that already has social problems and he was abused on top of that? He doesn’t look like someone that has gotten over what occurred and it did not make me feel sorry for him. It made me not like him more. I know people who have been abused when they were a child and have grown up to be decent people that do NOT fall back on that past just to justify what they do. That was trouble when she told me that. I mean my aunt was in an abusive relationship for five years. She must have thought she could change him with love. I gave her waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much credit to being smart. I’ll never make that mistake again.
Because I did not kiss her fat Whore butt and say how great an idea it is for you to marry someone after only knowing them for eight months, she got mad at what I was telling her. She and I had a huge argument via e-mail and I am very vicious in e-mail. I am so horrid that people would wonder if I feel bad for sending what I send when I’m mad and all I have say to that is if I send it they deserved it and I refuse to take it back.
What happens is Whore changes the date from Friday to Saturday and didn’t say she was sorry for telling me how wrong I was. She sends out the invitations and does not send me one. There is no way it was solely her decision on that so I also blame the Idiot to the Nth Degree. I laughed and said wouldn’t it be funny if it rained that day, and it did. They had an outside wedding and it rained.
A week after their wedding I felt bad and called her and said that I am willing to work it out. She sucked at trying and that is why she is a Whore and forever more will be known as such. She didn’t like that I had something to say in January 2004. She hated the fact that I had valid points she couldn’t answer nor give good reason for what she did. And she still did not say sorry for treating me wrong.
Again I was willing to work things out and I thought things were fine until this Summer when Tessa came down from College. She wanted to spend time with us and invited Whore and Idiot to the Nth Degree and Whore told me she didn’t want to go because Shawn the Idiot has a problem with me. News to me, because I was under the impression that all was well and she allowed me to think this and she also chose to tell me I am no longer allowed to communicate with her. Isn’t that nice? Isn’t it great that my best friend the Whore couldn’t stand up for me or try to fix it. She claims to have tired but I highly doubt she did she has been lying to me this entire time about the well being of our relationship.
We had another run in via e-mail when I told her that her not helping to fix this problem was a problem and that I couldn’t spend the optimal time with Tessa because her and Idiot to the Nth Degree always got in the way. She told me to quit pretending I am the victim. That is so funny because I am the victim. That is why this will never be fixed because she thinks she is the victim. Well guess what victims don’t make their own hell. So if she is unhappy, which she is or she wouldn’t be so pissy, it is her own stupid decisions that got her to that place and the only person she could blame is herself. I do not feel sorry for her and her horrible marriage because I told her it wouldn’t work.
If I was still her friend, which I was always up to being, I would be less negative and more positive . . . . hey I am positive—I am positively right and she should acknowledge that and repent. Would I say, “I told you so”? Yes at this point in my life I would. She had no remorse for causing me the amount of pain and damage I will show no remorse to her and her anguish of a sucky marriage.
It isn’t right for her to be that afraid of her husband. And it is really sad that she cannot see that. And if anyone happens to read this, and you know exactly who you are, and I happen to get comments as if they are from Whore and Idiot to the Nth Degree I will know who told. I am not stupid.
I am pissed beyond compare how reckless she is and inconsiderate. With that in mind I am willing to make another pass at fixing this. She claims to be a “good” person and yet fails to share the qualities of a good person. In the case of her marriage: Failure is an option and it should be taken before the damage is too much.
Dork Lesson #11 – You thought this was too serious to have one of these at the end? Well it wasn’t too serious. It is dorky to state that you would run the list of Ten Lessons when you reached them and yet you are now on 11 and have yet to do so. It is dorky to be in love for seven years and not see how Whore like the person was. It is ultimate dork prowess to want to forgive and still be friends even after the heart has been raped for all its worth. And finally it is dorky to think anyone will read about your messed up relationship let alone find it entertaining.